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Sound of My Voice Movie Updates

Sound of My Voice Movie Updates

Total Updates: 22

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Reasons for Movie Ratings from Film|Ratings

  • set the MPAA rating to R for language including some sexual references, and brief drug use of $title

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Sound Of My Voice from Apple Trailers

Exhibitor Relations Co., Inc. from Exhibitor Relations

Eerie Poster For Sundance Film 'Sound Of My Voice' from indieWIRE

  • added a synopsis of $title

  • Peter and Lorna, a young Silver Lake couple, delve into the underworld of a cult that meets in the San Fernando Valley. At the center of the group is an enigmatic young woman named Maggie who never leaves her basement chamber. The members follow Maggie blindly—growing her food, obsessively sanitizing the house, giving her their own blood for transfusions.

Fox Searchlight Nabs 'Sound of My Voice' from Variety

Fox Searchlight has acquired Sound of My Voice, starring, produced and co-written by Sundance darling Brit Marling, and will distrib in English-speaking territories including North America, Australia and the U.K.

  • added a synopsis of $title

  • A young Los Angeles couple, played by Christopher Denham and Nicole Vicius, as they infiltrate the underworld of a cult led by a young woman from the future (played by Brit Marling).

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