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Inside Job Movie Updates

The Film That Cost Over $20,000,000,000,000 To Make

Inside Job Movie Updates

Total Updates: 27

MovieTickets.com from MovieTickets.com

  • added a running time of 108 minutes of $title

'Inside Job' Stills from Yahoo! Movies

  • added the tagline: "The Film That Cost Over $20,000,000,000,000 To Make" of $title

Reasons for Movie Ratings from Film|Ratings

  • set the MPAA rating to PG-13 for some drug and sex-related material of $title

  • added a synopsis of $title

  • The global financial meltdown, at a cost of over $20 trillion, resulted in millions of people losing their homes and jobs. Through extensive research and interviews with major financial insiders, politicians and journalists, "Inside Job" traces the rise of a rogue industry and unveils the corrosive relationships which have corrupted politics, regulation and academia.

Coming Soon.net from ComingSoon.net

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