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Vampires Suck Movie Updates

From the guys who couldn't sit through another vampire movie!

Vampires Suck Movie Updates

Total Updates: 52

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FOX's UNTITLED VAMPIRE SPOOF is now called VAMPIRES SUCK. Yup. They suck hard. Great title from the creators (that seems a bit gratuitous, doesn't it?) that gave us these uninspired titles: DATE MOVIE, EPIC MOVIE, and DISASTER MOVIE. The sucking starts Aug 18, 2010.

  • added "Vampire Spoof Project" as an also known as title of $title

  • changed the title from "Untitled Vampire Spoof Project" to "Vampires Suck" of $title

ComingSoon from ComingSoon.net

  • added a synopsis of $title

  • A spoof of the vampire movie genre, particularly "The Twilight Saga."

NCM from National CineMedia

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