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My Scientology Movie Movie Updates

My Scientology Movie Movie Updates

Total Updates: 20

Magnolia Pictures from Magnolia Pictures

  • added a link from magpictures.com of $title

from Magnolia Pictures

  • added "Louis Theroux: My Scientology Movie " as an also known as title of $title

  • added a synopsis of $title

  • Inspired by the Church’s use of filming techniques, and aided by ex-members of the organization, Louis Theroux uses actors to replay some incidents people claim they experienced as members in an attempt to better understand the way it operates. In a bizarre twist, it becomes clear that the Church is also making a film about Louis Theroux. Suffused with a good dose of humor and moments worthy of a Hollywood script, My Scientology Movie is stranger than fiction.

  • added a running time of 90 minutes of $title

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