Release Date: Friday, February 8, 2019 Limited
Director: Emma Forrest
Starring: Jamie Dornan • Jemima Kirke • Lola Kirke • Ben Mendelsohn • Billy Crystal
R Comedy 1 hr, 38 m
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The lead cast starring in Untogether.
Fifty Shades of Grey, Burnt
Sylvie's Love, The Little Hours
Mistress America, American Made
Freaky Tales, The Marsh King’s Daughter
The Muppets, Parental Guidance
Star Trek Into Darkness, Replicas
A Real Pain, Wish You Were Here
One Day As A Lion, Entourage
The Untogether behind-the-scenes crew and production team.
The film's writer Emma Forrest last wrote Liars (A to E) and How Could You Do This to Me?.
What we know about the Untogether movie production.
Changed Untogether movie production status. The movie is ready for release.
Changed the movie production status to Production. Production is slated to begin October 17, 2016.
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When was the film released?
Untogether was released in limited movie theaters on Friday, February 8, 2019. There were 16 other movies released on the same date, including Cold Pursuit, The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part and What Men Want. As a limited release, Untogether was shown in select movie theaters in major markets.
Added the US DVD release date of March 25, 2019
Added a running time of 98 minutes
Added drama as genre
Added Freestyle Releasing as a distributor
Changed the US film release date from TBA to February 8, 2019
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