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Magic Mike XXL Movie Updates

Magic Mike XXL Movie Updates

Total Updates: 42

Amazon from Amazon

  • added the US VOD release date of October 6, 2015 of $title

Film Ratings from Film|Ratings

  • set the MPAA rating to R for strong sexual content, pervasive language, some nudity and drug use of $title

Warner Bros. Pictures from Warner Bros. Pictures

  • added a link from magicmikemovie.com of $title

  • added a link from facebook.com of $title

  • added a synopsis of $title

  • Picking up the story three years after Mike bowed out of the stripper life at the top of his game, Magic Mike XXL finds the remaining Kings of Tampa likewise ready to throw in the towel. But they want to do it their way: burning down the house in one last blow-out performance in Myrtle Beach, and with legendary headliner Magic Mike sharing the spotlight with them. On the road to their final show, with whistle stops in Jacksonville and Savannah to renew old acquaintances and make new friends, Mike and the guys learn some new moves and shake off the past in surprising ways.

from Deadline

Warner Bros said today it will give moviegoers two extra days to ogle Magic Mike 2 next Independence Day weekend.

Warner Bros. Pictures from Warner Bros. Pictures

  • added a synopsis of $title

  • Male stripper Magic Mike returns to the big screen.

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