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Fruitvale Station Movie Updates

Fruitvale Station Movie Updates

Total Updates: 36

Amazon from Amazon

Film Ratings from Film|Ratings

  • set the MPAA rating to R for some violence, language throughout and some drug use of $title

The Weinstein Company from The Weinstein Company

  • added "Fruitvale" as an also known as title of $title

  • changed the title from "Fruitvale" to "Fruitvale Station" of $title

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'Red Tails' Actor, Melonie Diaz Join Cast of 'Fruitvale' from The Hollywood Reporter

Red Tails actor Tristan Wilds and Melonie Diaz have joined the cast off Fruitvale, the indie drama about a true-life police shooting being produced by Forest Whitaker and his Significant Productions partner Nina Yang.

  • added a synopsis of $title

  • On New Year’s Day 2009, Bay Area Rapid Transit police detained Oscar Grant, a young black man and then shot him in the back and killed him with many bystanders recording the event on their cell phone cameras. Protests and riots surrounded the ensuing trial and its verdict.

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