Acclaimed animation production studio ShadowMachine swept the 2023 awards season with its film, Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio, winning the Oscar®, BAFTA, Annie, Golden Globe, and Critics Choice Awards for Best Animated Feature. Co-founded by Corey Campodonico and Alex Bulkley, the Los Angeles and Portland, OR-based company is an artist-first entertainment house and collective of world-class artists, designers, writers, directors, and producers known for high-quality work in all mediums of entertainment: 2D, 3D/CGI, VR, App creation, stop-motion, and live action.
ShadowMachine has 2 movie releases in the completed production status. This means the films have confirmed release dates; they have been released or are coming soon.
Film Title | Genre | Release Date | Status |
Guillermo del Toro's Pinocch...
| Musical | December 9, 2022 | Released |
Hell & Back
| Comedy | October 2, 2015 | Released |
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