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Screen Australia Movie Updates

Screen Australia Movie Updates

Total Updates: 13

Berlin: Daniel Radcliffe to Star in Thriller 'Jungle' from The Hollywood Reporter

Daniel Radcliffe is ready to venture into the Jungle.

Nicole Kidman to Star in Aussie 'Strangerland' from Variety

Australia’s top Hollywood stars Nicole Kidman, Hugo Weaving and Guy Pearce are to head home.

Skarsgard, Sanada Joins 'Railway Man' from Variety

Stellan Skarsgard and Hiroyuki Sanada have joined the cast of The Railway Man, starring Colin Firth, Nicole Kidman and Jeremy Irvine, which starts shooting April 30 in Scotland.

Screen Australia Backs 'Grandmothers' from Variety

Anne Fontaine's The Grandmothers, starring Naomi Watts and Robin Wright, is to receive a slice of the $A17 million ($17.4 million) fund doled out by government agency Screen Australia.

Beresford Traps 'Mouse' from Variety

Helmer Bruce Beresford is set to make The White Mouse, a biopic about Australian war hero Nancy Wake.

'Wolf Creek' Sequel Receives Coin from Variety

A sequel to boffo Aussie frightener Wolf Creek was one of more than a dozen projects announced by Screen Australia topper Ruth Harley at the Melbourne Intl. Film Festival at the weekend.

Screen Australia to Back PJ Hogan's 'Mental' from The Hollywood Reporter

National film agency Screen Australia will invest in PJ Hogan’s upcoming feature, Mental, CEO Ruth Harley said Monday.

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