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A dark comedy about 14 year-old Jesse Urchin, an ambitious yet overweight ballerina with an overbearing mother (Kristen Bell) who will stop at nothing to become a star. The girl enters a "Mean Girls"-type environment when she has to prove her worth in class.
The film will tell the tale of a wealthy but extremely sheltered young man (Josh Peck) who is thrust into the real world and quickly finds himself in over his head. To make up for lost time, he receives a crash course in life experience from a likeable slacker (Drake Bell).
Jim Connelly, a screenwriter who’s recovering from a nervous breakdown, is cared for by his wife Anne. He begins writing a new script about a jealous husband who kills his unfaithful spouse. As fact and fiction start to blur, Connelly soon becomes a wanted man in his wife’s real life disappearance.
The fourth installment of J.K. Rowling's Fantastic Beasts trilogy (the first film hits theaters in 2016).
Five reluctant heroes' remarkable genetic code make them Earth's only hope of defeating extraterrestrial invaders.
Described as a “criminal love story,” featuring Joker and Harley Quinn.
A documentary about the late rapper Mac Miller.
A mash-up between the 21 Jump Street and Men in Black franchises that moves Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill from school narcs to alien hunters.
A small-time chauffeur delves into the New York underbelly with a high-class call girl.
King Saurus, the self-proclaimed “Lord of the Stomp” , is unwilling to admit Father Time is nipping at his heels. He wears a scale toupee and spends his days watching newsreel footage of his past destructions. Finally, he leaves his cave and moves into Fading Fast (a senior community in the Bermuda Triangle built exclusively for the “vintage” Chinese monster). The place is run by Miss Petfarkin, a monster who’s obsessed with order and rules. King Saurus is stunned by the listlessness of his fellow behemoths and attempts to liven things up. He ultimately convinces Icarose and Birdy, an old married monster couple, to travel with him to Atlantic City to interrupt the grand opening of Rump Mart, the mega-store of mega-stores. This one last attempt at terrorizing ends up biting these senior citizen behemoths in the butt when Ronald Rump, the tyrannical owner of Rump Mart, brings in King Saurus’ old nemesis, the elderly Chinese monster hunter, Dai Anu. Anu, along with his daughter and granddaughter, arrives in America in order to battle and finally defeat the Lord of the Stomp.
Pippin, the son of Charlemagne, ruler of the ninth century Holy Roman Empire, leads a life enmeshed in politics and war, but all he really wants is true love.
About an unhappy 14 year old boy in a colony of Saturn, who is given a robotic drill sergeant baby sitter to put him back on track but they end up going on adventures in space.
Set in the late 1960s when cheap counterculture films are minting money, struggling studio 20th Century Fox gives soft-core pulp director Russ Meyers the opportunity to direct "Beyond The Valley Of The Dolls" because his profit margins are so high and his costs are miniscule. Meyer agrees to take on "Beyond The Valley Of The Dolls" on the condition that the script is written by film critic Roger Ebert, who had written one of the few positive reviews Meyer had ever received. Meyers and Ebert struggle with the studio's board of directors and the ratings board, but despite being the rare major studio release with an X rating, they are vindicated when "Beyond The Valley Of The Dolls" is released in 1970 to big box office.
A feature adaptation of ABC's '60s TV series "The Big Valley." Susan Sarandon would play the role of Victoria Barkley, the character played by Barbara Stanwyck in the original.
This will be a sequel to 2015's origin reboot of Fantastic Four.
When terminally ill patients become healthy after they are bitten by bats in South America, and the government decides to conduct secret tests on human subjects to see if the virus can cure illness. The result is an apocalyptic unleashing of bloodthirsty vampire test subjects that include death row inmates.
No plot details are known but sources say "The Zone" revolves around an alien invasion, will be improv-based and cast with relative unknowns.
"Why Can't I Be Audrey Hepburn" follows a young television reporter in Los Angeles whose fiancie leaves her at the altar. She then develops a crush on a man with a taste for Audrey Hepburn flicks. But is the seemingly perfect guy too good to be true.
Evan Rachel Wood and Thomas McDonnell star as a young woman and man who meet while attempting to commit suicide at the same “jumping-off point.” Complications ensue when the man’s ex-girlfriend re-enters his life just as his budding rock band is on the verge of signing a record deal. Billy Campbell will play McDonnell’s father, a wealthy and entitled lawyer who doesn’t approve of his son dropping out of law school to pursue a career in music.
A shy California high school student finds seven cassette tapes recorded by Hanna Baker, the classmate he had a crush on. Before she committed suicide, Hannah sent the tapes with instructions to pass them on to a list of students like a chain letter. The tapes explain to 13 people how they played a role in her death.