The tale of 19-year-old Brad Land who is left physically injured and psychologically traumatized after a horrifying assault. He and his brother pledge a fraternity at Clemson University where disastrous events occur that force Brad to come to grips with his problems.
Virginia Gardner, Nick Jonas, David Gordon Green, Mike Roberts, Ben Schnetzer, Austin Lyon, James Franco, Vince Jolivette
Dirty 30
The film follows three lifelong friends, Kate, Evie, and Charlie, who vow to throw a raging party for Kate’s 30th birthday to escape the rut they’ve found themselves in. What was supposed to be a celebration spins out of control however as proceedings become a who’s who of their past and present.
Flula Borg, Mamrie Hart, Matt Dellapina, Andrew Bush, Grace Helbig, Hannah Hart, Anna Akana, Adam Lustick
The Lovers and the Despot
They were the Brangelina of ’70s South Korea—the romance between the debonair film director Shin Sang-ok and glamorous actress Choi Eun-hee took them to the heights of South Korean society. Fame took a toll on their love, but it also attracted unbelievable twists of fate. The two find themselves kidnapped by the North Korean regime, and they are forced to play along with a bizarre filmmaking project led by superfan cinephile Kim Jong-il. Enduring torture, imprisonment, and surveillance, their romance is rekindled, and they realize escape is only possible through filmmaking—but the smallest mistake in their plans could cost them their lives.
This film noir of the most twisted order is meticulously crafted with an analog-loving sensibility, offering incredible archive footage of the era that even includes rare clandestine audio recordings of Jong-il discussing his plot for a cinematic paradise. The tapes deliver a chilling yet fascinating glimpse into the psychology of the North Korean dictatorship and what happens when art, love, and megalomania collide.
Robert Cannan, Ross Adam
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The Ballad of Wallis Island
The Ballad of Wallis Island
Sing Sing
Verona’s Romeo & Juliet
My Dead Friend Zoe
Official Trailer
Official Trailer
Official Trailer
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