The film follows a pair of low level drug runners in the Dixie Mafia, Kyle (Hemsworth) and Swin (Duke), who live by the orders of an Arkansas-based drug kingpin Frog (Vaughn), whom they’ve never met. But when a deal goes horribly wrong, deadly consequences are soon to rattle the duo’s routine lives.
Vince Vaughn, John Malkovich, Clark Duke, Patrick Hibler, Jeff Rice, Martin Sprock, Liam Hemsworth, Vivica A. Fox
Cry for the Bad Man
When a small-town widow is grieving in isolation, she receives a deadly ultimatum from the privileged sons of a local land developer to sell her beloved property. With 24 hours to decide and her pleas to the town's corrupt sheriff falling on deaf ears, she realizes she must take matters into her own hands. Her quest for justice turns into an all-out battle and grisly confrontation.
Scott Peeler, Sam Farmer, Camille Keaton, Karen Konzen
February 28, 2025
TBA 2025
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