The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Pa...
Follows Katniss Everdeen as she leads the districts of Panem in a rebellion against the tyrannical and corrupt Capitol. As the war that will determine the fate of Panem escalates, Katniss must decipher for herself who she can trust and what needs to be done, with everything she cares for in the balance.
Josh Hutcherson, Jennifer Lawrence, Woody Harrelson, Stanley Tucci, Sam Claflin, Natalie Dormer, Nina Jacobson, Julianne Moore
Ukraine Is Not A Brothel
Ukraine’s topless feminist sensation Femen has stirred up a press frenzy across Europe. Outraged by the world's image of Ukrainian women as either brides for sale or commodities of sex tourism, Femen bare their breasts in protest in order to disrupt this perception and agitate these brutal patriarchal forces. Now, for the first time, 'Ukraine Is Not A Brothel' offers an intimate glimpse inside the world's most provocative feminist organization.
Kitty Green
February 28, 2025
TBA 2025
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