Explore Marcus Nispel's filmography: Over 7 credits spanning 2003 and 2023
7 Credits
Movie | Status | Year |
Hack/Slash Undated | Development | Undated |
Backmask Undated | Pre-Production | Undated |
Exeter Watch 2015 | Completed | 2015 |
Conan The Barbarian Watch 2011 | Completed | 2011 |
Friday the 13th Watch 2009 | Completed | 2009 |
Pathfinder Watch 2007 | Completed | 2007 |
The Texas Chainsaw Massac ... Watch 2003 | Completed | 2003 |
Movie Insider database has limited credits; representing a partial filmography rather than a comprehensive list.
Changed the status of Marcus Nispel to Former of American McGee's Alice [Series]
Added Marcus Nispel as director to credits of Exeter
Added Marcus Nispel to the credits of Hack/Slash
Added Marcus Nispel to the credits of Backmask
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