Explore Paul Greengrass's filmography: Over 27 credits spanning 2004 and 2020
6 Credits
Movie | Status | Year |
Role Status: Former Undated | Shutdown | Undated |
Role Status: Formerly In Talks Undated | Shutdown | Undated |
Untitled Jimi Hendrix Pro ... Role Status: Rumored Undated | Development | Undated |
Cleopatra Role Status: Formerly Rumored Undated | Development | Undated |
The Fantastic Voyage Role Status: Formerly In Talks Undated | Development | Undated |
The Bourne Legacy Watch Role Status: Formerly Rumored 2012 | Completed | 2012 |
1 Credits
Movie | Status | Year |
The Fantastic Voyage Role Status: Formerly In Talks Undated | Development | Undated |
Movie Insider database has limited credits; representing a partial filmography rather than a comprehensive list.
Added Paul Greengrass as director and screenwriter to movie credits of Fairy Tale
Added Paul Greengrass as director to movie credits of Night of Camp David
Changed the status of Paul Greengrass to Former of Ness
Added Paul Greengrass as director to credits of News of the World
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