Total Updates: 16
added Kevin Smith as director to movie credits of $title
added Kevin Smith as actor to movie credits of $title
added Kevin Smith as actor to movie credits of $title
added Kevin Smith as Silent Bob to credits of $title
MMA champion-turned-actress Gina Carano is wrapping up shooting Madness in the Method, the directorial debut of Jay and Silent Bob actor Jason Mewes.
added Kevin Smith as actor to credits of $title
added Kevin Smith as director, screenwriter, actor and executive producer to credits of $title
Demarest Films will finance and produce Kevin Smith’s horror film Tusk.
added Kevin Smith as director to credits of $title
changed the status of Kevin Smith to Current of $title
Ifve always said (since CLERKS, even) that Ifve got about ten films in me (that info might even be on my Wikipedia page). And COP OUT notwithstanding (solely because I didnft write it), HIT SOMEBODY is the 10th film Ifve got in me. At this moment in time, Ifve got no other flicks I wanna make. The musing about a possible re ...
added Kevin Smith to the credits of $title
added Kevin Smith to the credits of $title
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