Explore Janet Zucker's filmography: Over 6 credits spanning 2010 and 2013
6 Credits
Movie | Status | Year |
Untitled Greenpeace Proje ... Undated | Development | Undated |
Imagining Nathan Undated | Development | Undated |
Prince of Cats Undated | Development | Undated |
Screw Everyone: How I Sle ... Undated | Announced | Undated |
Mental Watch 2013 | Production | 2013 |
Fair Game Watch 2010 | Completed | 2010 |
Movie Insider database has limited credits; representing a partial filmography rather than a comprehensive list.
Added Janet Zucker as producer to credits of Prince of Cats
Added Janet Zucker as producer to the film's credits of Screw Everyone: How I Slept My Way to Monogamy
Added Janet Zucker as Producer to the credits of Imagining Nathan
Added Janet Zucker to the credits of Devine Intervention
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