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Neil Gaiman Movie Updates

Neil Gaiman Movie Updates

Total Updates: 5

Magnolia Pictures from Magnolia Pictures

Joseph Gordon-Levitt Enters ‘Sandman’ at Warner Bros. from Variety

Joseph Gordon-Levitt and David S. Goyer have come on board to produce an adaptation of the DC Comics title The Sandman at Warner Bros.

Gaiman Journeys East to Pen 'Monkey King' Movies in China from The Hollywood Reporter

Neil Gaiman, the award-winning writer of The Sandman comics and the novella Coraline, has signed on to pen English scripts for a big-budget series of 3D feature films based on Journey to the West, China’s classic novel about the adventures of the Monkey King.

Will Dr. Strange Be Marvel's First Superhero To Fly Under the Disney Banner? from Deadline

Marvel Studios has hired Conan scribes Thomas Donnelly and Joshua Oppenheimer to write Dr. Strange, marking forward progress on a long-gestating superhero property which will likely be among the first Marvel films generated under the Disney banner.

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