Explore Hank Azaria's filmography: Over 14 credits spanning 1990 and 2022
1 Credits
Movie | Status | Year |
The Smurfs 2 Watch ... as Gargamel Role Status: Rumored 2013 | Completed | 2013 |
Movie Insider database has limited credits; representing a partial filmography rather than a comprehensive list.
Changed the status of Hank Azaria as Jock to Current of Out of the Blue
Added Hank Azaria as actor to movie credits of Out of the Blue
Added Hank Azaria as actor to credits of Norman: The Moderate Rise and Tragic Fall of a New York Fixer
Added Hank Azaria (Rumored) to the credits of The Smurfs 2
Added Hank Azaria to the credits of Lovelace
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