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2026 Most Popular Movies

Portrait of Amy Renner Amy Renner

Last modified: 6 days ago

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The final installment of the Fast and the Furious series (excluding anticipated spin-offs).

Action Sequel

94% 6%

Ryland Grace is a school-teacher-turned-astronaut who wakes up from a coma, alone, on a space station with no memory of who he is or his mission. His memory returns in bursts and he pieces together that he was sent to the Tau Ceti solar system, 12 light-years from Earth, to reverse the impact of a space event that had already hurled our planet into the early stages of an Ice Age. As details of the mission unravel, Grace must call on all of his scientific training and sheer ingenuity, but he might not have to do it alone…

Adventure Adaptation

99% 1%

The Hunger Games: Sunrise on the Reaping will revisit the world of Panem 24 years before the events of The Hunger Games, starting on the morning of the reaping of the 50th Hunger Games, also known as the Second Quarter Quell.

Action Adventure

91% 9%
89% 11%

Dune Messiah continues the story of Paul Atreides, better known—and feared—as the man christened Muad’Dib. As Emperor of the known universe, he possesses more power than a single man was ever meant to wield. Worshipped as a religious icon by the fanatical Fremen, Paul faces the enmity of the political houses he displaced when he assumed the throne—and a conspiracy conducted within his own sphere of influence.

Action Adventure

90% 10%
95% 5%

An origin story about Clayface, a supervillain with the ability to shapeshift and manipulate his body like clay.

Action Superhero

82% 18%

Miles Morales, a teenage aged Spider-Man, is transported to another universe, where he comes in contact with Miguel O’Hara, aka Spider-Man 2099 (Oscar Isaac).

Adventure Sequel

95% 5%

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