Crossroads tells the story of three childhood friends, Lucy (Britney Spears), Kit (Zoë Saldana) and Mimi (Taryn Manning), who, after eight years apart, rediscover their friendship on a cross-country trip. With barely a plan, practically no money but plenty of dreams, the girls catch a lift with Mimi's handsome friend Ben (Anson Mount) in his convertible. Along the way they not only gather experiences that will change their lives, but they also discover how important it is to hold onto their hearts' desires.
Zoe Saldana, Justin Long, Anson Mount, Taryn Manning, Kim Cattrall, Tamra Davis, Britney Spears, Dan Aykroyd
Beyond Utopia
A suspenseful, riveting portrait of the lengths people will go to gain freedom, the documentary Beyond Utopia follows various individuals as they attempt to flee North Korea, one of the most oppressive places on Earth, a land they grew up believing was a paradise. At the film's core is a courageous pastor, a man of God on a mission to help a mother reunite with the child she was forced to leave behind, and a family of five — including small children and an elderly grandmother — embarking on a treacherous journey into the hostile mountains of China and through southeast Asia and eventually into Thailand. Leaving their homeland is fraught with unimaginable danger — yet these individuals are driven to take a great risk to finally live a free life.
Madeleine Gavin
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Oh, The Places You’ll Go!
Official Trailer #2
Official Trailer #2
Official Trailer
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