Aggie' is a feature-length documentary that explores the nexus of art, race, and justice through the story of art collector and philanthropist Agnes "Aggie" Gund's life. Emmy-nominated director Catherine Gund focuses on her mother's journey to give viewers an understanding of the power of art to transform consciousness and inspire social change.
Ava DuVernay, Catherine Gund, Agnes Gund, John Waters, Rajendra Roy, Abigail Disney
Hubie Halloween
A good-natured, yet eccentric community volunteer Hubie Dubois finds himself at the center of a real murder case on Halloween night.
Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Kenan Thompson, Kelli Berglund, Ray Liotta, Rob Schneider, Steve Buscemi, Noah Schnapp
February 28, 2025
TBA 2025
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