Space Wars: Quest for the De...
Space Wars: Quest for the Deepstar follows a father and daughter who work as space scavengers and are searching for legendary treasures which they must outrun evil mercenaries to safely obtain and cash in. In a futuristic world (the year 2980, to be exact) filled with monsters, aliens, and robots, they will do what they can to survive with the hope of bringing back a lost loved one.
Michael Paré, Olivier Gruner, Sarah French, Garo Setian, Tyler Gallant, Rachele Brooke Smith, Sadie Katz
The Ancestral
After suffering a family tragedy, a widower moves his two daughters to a centuries-old ancestral home. When both daughters fall prey to sleep paralysis and night terrors, their father seeks the help of a local psychologist. These chilling secrets and frightening visions eventually prove that not everything is what it seems in the old family house.
Le-Van Kiet, Lâm Thanh, Quang Tuấn, Mai Cat Vi
On the Edge
In the pulse-pounding thriller film On the Edge, a Spanish subway train operator in Brussels witnesses his estranged son Hugo fall to his death off the edge of a platform. Leo had not seen his son for years, but is spurred to investigate the mysterious circumstances of his passing. He discovers that Hugo was involved in a bloody heist, the discovery of which puts Leo in the crosshairs of the police. Leo’s skills in tracking and apprehending violent criminals, as it turns out, are not those of a public transit employee.
Antonio de la Torre, Giordano Gederlini, Marine Vacth, Olivier Gourmet
A Father's Heart
Joseph of Nazareth, the humble figure barely mentioned in the Bible, has attracted the attention of people all over the world. But why? What do we know about the real St. Joseph? In A Father's Heart, the filmmakers searched over five continents for the people whose lives have been transformed by this mysterious man. Husband of Mary. Foster - Father of Jesus. Protector of the Church. Patron of the Dying. Terror of Demons. These are some of the titles attributed to this discreet and silent carpenter from Nazareth. The details of his earthly life may be a mystery, but the miracles that are attributed to him are life changing.A Father's Heart features the powerful testimonies of those who have seen authentic miracles brought forth through the intercession of St. Joseph. From radical conversions to impossible cures; from the rebuilding of broken marriages, to aid to the dying - this compelling documentary film reveals just who St. Joseph is and how he acts in the world today.
Andrés Garrigó
Secret Space UFOs: Fastwalke...
Get ready for an electrifying journey as we delve into the thrilling story of NASA-related UFO encounters in space. Beginning in the late 1970s and continuing to present day, expert researchers will unveil a history of anomalies recorded by our military and space research missions. Credible scientific and UFO phenomenon researchers will analyze each case with pinpoint accuracy, describing the mind-boggling events witnessed by pilots, military personnel, and even NASA personnel. Not just in our atmosphere, but in the depths of space, UFOs were encountered and recorded by high-tech instruments operated by defense and intelligence agencies. As the truth unfolds, we'll uncover whether NASA is hiding the truth or truly uncovering answers in the modern world that we live in today.
Darcy Weir
In a time when mutants and behemoth alien warriors have come to a rule, a rebel group of survivors must embrace mega fighting machines to take on intergalactic invaders threatening humanity.
De Veyra Joanna, Mark A. Reyes, Emmanuel T. Dorado, Yvette Marie Tagura, Richard Campos
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