I Am Living Proof
A look into the lives of three individuals who face an extraordinary life-altering event. Bri, once a promising student, finds her academic dreams derailed by an illness that’s deteriorating her body. For seven years, she's caught in a cycle of failed medical treatments and excruciating pain, pushing her toward assisted suicide. Steve’s life spirals out of control after a workplace accident that leaves him dependent on opioids. Jobless and desperate, he attempts to end it all with an overdose. Mary, a mother of five, faces debilitating pain from a spinal injury that leaves her unable to care for her children—until a vivid dream sparks an unexpected turning point. Unbeknownst to them, their paths are about to intersect when a traveling preacher, Mario Murillo, and his old-school tent revival happens to come to town. This chance encounter offers a glimmer of hope in their darkest hour.
Bob Maddux
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Creation of the Gods II: Demon Force
The Last Supper
I Am Living Proof
We’re All Gonna Die
The Chronicles of Narnia Reboot
The Penguin Lessons
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