Secret Invasion (series)
In Secret Invasion, set in the present-day MCU, Fury learns of a clandestine invasion of Earth by a faction of shapeshifting Skrulls. Fury joins his allies, including Everett Ross, Maria Hill, and the Skrull Talos, who has made a life for himself on Earth. Together they race against time to thwart an imminent Skrull invasion and save humanity.
Emilia Clarke, Christopher McDonald, Dermot Mulroney, Kyle Bradstreet, Samuel L. Jackson, Olivia Colman, Cobie Smulders, Martin Freeman
Mad Heidi
In a dystopian Switzerland that has fallen under the fascist rule of an evil cheese tyrant (Casper Van Dien), Heidi (Alice Lucy) lives a pure and simple life in the Swiss Alps. Grandfather Alpöhi (David Schofield) does his best to protect Heidi, but her desire for freedom soon lands her in trouble with the dictator’s henchmen. When pushed too far the innocent Heidi transforms into a kick-ass warrior who sets out to liberate her country from the heinous cheese fascists.
Casper Van Dien, Gregory D. Widmer, Johannes Hartmann, Sandro Klopfstein, Alice Lucy, Max Rüdlinger, David Schofield, Kel Matsena
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Oh, The Places You’ll Go!
Official Trailer #2
Official Trailer #2
Official Trailer
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