Your Friendly Neighborhood Spide...
Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man is an animated series that follows Peter Parker on his way to becoming a hero, with a journey unlike we've ever seen and a style that celebrates the character’s early comic book roots.
Kevin Feige, Colman Domingo, Eugene Byrd, Dana Vasquez-Eberhardt, Jeff Trammell, Hudson Thames, Grace Song, Zeno Robinson
Extremely Unique Dynamic
Ryan and Daniel, two childhood best friends and aspiring actors, spend one final weekend together before Ryan moves to Canada with his fiancé. Wanting to create one lasting memory, they decide to make a movie... about two guys making a movie. about two guys making a movie. Along the way, bottled-up secrets arise as they unpack their decades-long friendship and put their extremely unique dynamic to the test.
Katherine Dudas, Ivan Leung, Harrison Xu, Hudson Yang, Nathan Doan
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Extremely Unique Dynamic
Left At Wall
Cunk on Life
Into the Deep
Hell of a Summer
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