Ted (series)
In this comedic prequel event series to the Ted films, it's 1993, and Ted the bear’s (Seth MacFarlane) moment of fame has passed. He’s now living back home in Framingham, Massachusetts with his best friend, 16-year-old John Bennett (Max Burkholder), along with John’s parents, Matty and Susan (Scott Grimes and Alanna Ubach) and cousin Blaire (Giorgia Whigham). Ted may be a lousy influence on John, but at the end of the day, he’s a loyal pal who’s always willing to go out on a limb for friendship.
Alanna Ubach, Scott Grimes, Seth MacFarlane, Giorgia Whigham
Boy Swallows Universe (serie...
Adapted from Trent Dalton’s iconic novel, Boy Swallows Universe is the story of a boy doing his best to hold his fractured family together in 1980s Brisbane. Starring Phoebe Tonkin, Travis Fimmel and Bryan Brown, Boy Swallows Universe shows what happens when boyhood innocence collides with the brutal adult world.
Phoebe Tonkin, Lee Tiger Halley, Peter Phan, Felix Cameron
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Oh, The Places You’ll Go!
Official Trailer #2
Official Trailer #2
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