Avatar: The Last Airbender (seri...
Set in an Asiatic, war-torn world where certain people can “bend” one of the four classical elements: water, earth, fire, or air. Aang is the “Avatar”, the only one capable of bending all the elements, and is destined to bring peace to the world from the Fire Nation. With his new companions Katara and Sokka, Aang sets out to master the elements while being pursued by the exiled Fire Nation prince Zuko, who seeks to regain his honor by capturing the Avatar.
Daniel Dae Kim, Paul Sun-Hyung Lee, Tamlyn Tomita, Yvonne Chapman, Albert Kim, Ken Leung, Gordon Cormier, Kiawentiio Tarbell
Lovely, Dark, and Deep
Lennon (Georgina Campbell) seizes the opportunity to assume the coveted role of a back-country ranger at a remote outpost. While adapting to her solitary existence living deep in the wilderness, she becomes aware of a lurking, sinister presence. Driven by the need for answers, she embarks on a journey through the ominous terrain, seeking to unveil the long-standing mystery that has haunted her since childhood.
Nick Blood, Teresa Sutherland, Georgina Campbell, Wai Ching Ho, Edgar Morais, Ana Sofia Martins, Soren Hellerup
February 28, 2025
TBA 2025
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