The Volcano: Rescue from Wha...
In the tense and gripping documentary feature The Volcano: Rescue From Whakaari, Academy Award-nominated filmmaker Rory Kennedy tracks the minute-by-minute unfolding of the tragic volcanic eruption off the coast of New Zealand in December of 2019, ultimately claiming 22 lives. During a routine sightseeing day-trip to a remote volcanic island, 47 tourists and guides were trapped in the epicenter of a boiling pyroclastic surge of toxic dust and ash. Both terrifying and inspiring, the film uses first-hand accounts to convey the experience of living through such a lethal eruption.
Offering more than a startling and brutal portrait of mother nature’s profound indifference, The Volcano also serves as testimony to human nature’s innate generosity. Guided by survivors — men and women who were tested in ways they never imagined — as well as the courageous and quick-thinking ordinary citizens who sprang to action that day, the viewer comes to understand the value of our human connection.
Leonardo DiCaprio, Ron Howard, Brian Grazer, Rory Kennedy, Mark Bailey, Phillip Watson, Dallas Brennan Rexer, Jennifer Davisson
I Believe in Santa
After five happy months dating Tom, Lisa's horrified to learn he's obsessed with her least favorite holiday. Is it time to give Christmas another chance?
Missi Pyle, Matthew Glave, Alex Ranarivelo, Ali Afshar, Daniel Aspromonte, Ava Rettke., Christina Moore, John Ducey
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Oh, The Places You’ll Go!
Official Trailer #2
Official Trailer #2
Official Trailer
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