"Avatar" is the story of an ex-Marine who finds himself thrust into hostilities on an alien planet filled with exotic life forms. As an Avatar, a human mind in an alien body, he finds himself torn between two worlds, in a desperate fight for his own survival and that of the indigenous people.
Michelle Rodriguez, Zoe Saldana, Stephen Lang, Sam Worthington, Jon Landau, James Cameron, Giovanni Ribisi, Sigourney Weaver
Fall Down Dead
Police are on the trail of a serial killer – following clues that are as barbaric as they are "artistic". They have called the criminal the "Picasso Killer": death is his inspiration, the carved bodies of his victims are his works of art.
Udo Kier, Jon Keeyes, Dominique Swain, Mehmet Gunsur, David Carradine, R. Keith Harris
The Young Victoria
The film follows the early years of Queen Victoria's reign and her romance with Prince Albert.
Mark Strong, Rupert Friend, Julian Fellowes, Emily Blunt, Jean-Marc Vallee, Graham King, Martin Scorsese, Sarah Ferguson
Famous film director Guido Contini reaches a creative and personal crisis and has to balance the numerous women in his life, including his wife, his mistress, his film-star muse, his agent and his mother.
Penelope Cruz, Judi Dench, Nicole Kidman, Rob Marshall, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Anthony Minghella, Kate Hudson, John DeLuca
The New Daughter
The movie, based on a short story by noted horror-thriller writer John Connolly, follows a single dad who has moved his two children to a remote farm where a strange mound in the surrounding fields appears to be the key to his daughter's increasingly ominous behavior.
Luiso Berdejo, John Travis, Ivana Baquero, Kevin Costner
February 28, 2025
TBA 2025
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