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S** Tape (Cameron Diaz/Jason Segel - 2014) Movie Updates

They did everything but delete it.

S** Tape (Cameron Diaz/Jason Segel - 2014) Movie Updates

Total Updates: 44

Amazon from Amazon

  • added the tagline: "They did everything but delete it." of $title

Film Ratings from Film|Ratings

  • set the MPAA rating to R for strong sexual content, nudity, language and some drug use of $title

from Deadline

The Cameron Diaz and Jason Segel starrer had been slotted for July 25, but Sony has moved it up a week to July 18.

  • changed the US DVD release date from May 6, 2014 to TBA of $title

Sony Pictures from Sony Pictures

  • added a link from facebook.com of $title

Ellie Kemper Joins Cameron Diaz in 'Sex Tape' from The Hollywood Reporter

Ellie Kemper has joined the cast of Sex Tape, Sony’s Cameron Diaz-Jason Segel comedy that Jake Kasdan is directing.

Sony Pictures from Sony Pictures

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