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Singularity Movie Updates

Singularity Movie Updates

Total Updates: 20

Exhibitor Relations Co., Inc. from Exhibitor Relations

  • changed the US film release date from November 1, 2013 to TBA of $title

'Star Trek' 3D Sequel To Open May 17, 2013 from Deadline

Sony moved Roland Emmerich’s Singularity from May 17th, 2013, to Nov 1, 2013. So now Paramount is grabbing that primo pre-Memorial Weekend date of May 17, 2013 for its much anticipated writer/director J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek sequel (which is really No. 12 among the Captain Kirk/Dr Spock star fleet movies).

Casting Couch: Who's Testing for Directors Roland Emmerich, Akiva Goldsman and '... from The Hollywood Reporter

Writer-director Akiva Goldsman is trying to move forward on his passion project Winter's Tale, a period reincarnation story that is set up at Warner Bros. Chemistry reads involving Tom Hiddleston (Loki in Marvel's Thor), Benjamin Walker (the upcoming Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter), and Channing Tatum are scheduled for this wee ...

Roland Emmerich Talks SINGULARITY, Says He’s Not Doing ASTEROIDS from Collider

Steve: You’ve been rumored to be attached to Asteroids. Are you doing that? Emmerich: No. Not at all? Emmerich: Nope. I was very honored that they wanted to have me as a director, and I kind of liked the script very much, but at that time I was writing with my writing partner Harold Kloser a new script called Singula ...

It's Official: Sony Acquires Roland Emmerich's 'Singularity' And Will Release It... from Deadline

The studio just confirmed the title and the release date: May 17, 2013.

Secret Roland Emmerich Project May Land at Columbia from The Hollywood Reporter

Columbia may pre-emptively pick up the Emmerich project, which at this time has no title and the plot is not known. What is known is that it is a spec script written by Emmerich, who is also attached to direct. The project, according to sources, came with a set of terms.

Will Sony Buy Roland Emmerich Sci-Fi Pic 'Singularity?' from Deadline

Studios are buzzing about a new Roland Emmerich science fiction script that puts the filmmaker back in his wheelhouse after he directed the period drama Anonymous. Details are scant, but the script has a working title: Singularity.

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