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Father Figures Movie Updates

Father Figures Movie Updates

Total Updates: 72

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from Warner Bros. Pictures

  • added a synopsis of $title

  • Owen Wilson and Ed Helms star as fraternal twins Kyle and Peter who accidentally discover they've been living with a lie all their lives. The kindly man in the photo on their mantle isn't their father after all, but an invention their mother (Glenn Close) concocted to conceal the truth: that she actually doesn't know who their real father is. See, it was the seventies, and things were crazy, and...well, you know.

  • added a running time of 113 minutes of $title

  • changed the title from "Bastards" to "Father Figures" of $title

  • added "Bastards" as an also known as title of $title

Warner Bros. Pictures from Warner Bros. Pictures

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