Total Updates: 17
Clash of the Titans director Louis Leterrier has signed on to direct and produce sci-fi tentpole G for Universal Pictures.
changed the production status to Development of $title
added Nick Miller to the credits of $title
added Ben Forkner to the credits of $title
added Bryan Zuriff to the credits of $title
added Rabbit Hole Pictures as a production company of $title
added Michael Hackett to the credits of $title
added George Nolfi to the credits of $title
added Gambit Pictures as a production company of $title
added MG/360 as a production company of $title
added Management 360 as a production company of $title
added The Mark Gordon Company as a production company of $title
added Mark Gordon to the credits of $title
added Guymon Casady to the credits of $title
added Louis Leterrier to the credits of $title
created the movie profile of $title
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