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As I Lay Dying Movie Updates

As I Lay Dying Movie Updates

Total Updates: 27

Millennium Entertainment from millenniumentertainment.me

  • set the MPAA rating to R for disturbing images, some sexual content and brief nudity of $title

  • added a running time of 110 minutes of $title

  • added a synopsis of $title

  • The story chronicles the Bundren family as they traverse the Mississippi countryside to bring the body of their deceased mother Addie to her hometown for burial. Addie’s husband Anse and their children, Cash, Darl, Jewel, Dewey Dell, and the youngest one Vardaman, leave the farm on a carriage with her coffin - each affected by Addie’s death in a profound and different way. Their road trip to Jefferson, some forty miles away, is disrupted by every antagonistic force of nature or man: flooded rivers, injury and accident, a raging barn fire, and not least of all -- each individual character’s personal turmoil and inner commotion which at times threaten the fabric of the family more than any outside force.

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My Entertainment World from My Entertainment World

James Franco Planning to Direct Faulkner, Cormac McCarthy Classics from showbiz411.com

Franco is in talks to direct William Faulkner‘s literary classic, “As I Lay Dying,” from his own screenplay.

  • added a synopsis of $title

  • Based on the 1930 William Faulkner classic of the same title, the story is told through the voices of several narrators about the death of Addie Bundren.

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