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The Reluctant Communist Movie Updates

The Reluctant Communist Movie Updates

Total Updates: 6

Brett Ratner Turns 'Communist' from Variety

Brett Ratner has optioned Charles Robert Jenkins and Jim Frederick's 2008 memoir "The Reluctant Communist", the true story of Jenkins' 1965 desertion and subsequent 40-year imprisonment in North Korea.

  • added a synopsis of $title

  • In 1956, Charles Robert Jenkins surrenders to the North Koreans while drunk and undergoes a strange 40-year prison term. He is forced to act in (propaganda) movies as an American bad guy, and he becomes a kind of a celebrity.

'Infidel' Producer Plans Teenage Hitchcock from Deadline

Slingshot Productions and BBC Films are co-developing a teen thriller partly inspired by "Strangers on a Train". The working title is Teens On a Train. Slingshot’s hoping to shoot in 2011. Joshua St Johnston, creator of BBC fashion drama "Material Girl", is the writer.

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