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Client 9 Movie Updates

Money. Sex. Power. Betrayal.

Client 9 Movie Updates

Total Updates: 28

MovieTickets.com from MovieTickets.com

  • added a running time of 117 minutes of $title

Facebook: Client 9 from Facebook

  • added the tagline: "Money. Sex. Power. Betrayal." of $title

Reasons for Movie Ratings from Film|Ratings

  • set the MPAA rating to R for some sexual material, nudity and language of $title

Alex Gibney | @BaLueBolivar from Twitter

My Film on Eliot Spitzer - "Client-9" - has a release date: November 5. Available on special vod on October 1.

  • added the VOD release date of October 1, 2010 of $title

  • added "Client 9: The Rise And Fall Of Eliot Spitzer" as an also known as title of $title

  • added "Untitled Eliot Spitzer Documentary" as an also known as title of $title

  • changed the title from "Untitled Eliot Spitzer Documentary" to "Client 9" of $title

Magnolia Buys Eliot Spitzer Downfall Doc from Deadline

Magnolia Pictures acquired US rights to the Alex Gibney-directed untitled documentary about the downfall of New York State Governor Eliot Spitzer.

  • added a synopsis of $title

  • The rise and fall of New York Attorney Governor Elliot Spitzer, who rose to power as NY Attorney General prosecuting Wall Street corruption. His political downfall came when the public discovered his involvement in prostitution.

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