Total Updates: 26
Lionsgate's female-fronted art-thief movie, Heist Society, is getting a rewrite.
changed the production status to Development of $title
Screenwriter Hillary Seitz has been brought on to rewrite HEIST SOCIETY for Lionsgate.
changed the production status to Development of $title
added Ally Carter as screenwriter to credits of $title
added Hillary Seitz as screenwriter to credits of $title
Lionsgate is closing two deals for book adaptations that will be produced by Pitch Perfect producers Elizabeth Banks and Max Handelman through their Brownstone Productions banner.
added Brownstone Productions as a production company of $title
added Lionsgate Films as a distributor of $title
added Max Handelman as producer to the film's credits of $title
added Elizabeth Banks as producer to the film's credits of $title
changed the status of Drew Barrymore to Formerly In Talks of $title
changed the status of Di Novi Pictures to Former of $title
changed the status of Warner Bros. Pictures to Former of $title
changed the status of Warner Bros. Pictures to Former of $title
added adaptation as a genre of $title
changed the production status to Announced of $title
Drew Barrymore is attached to produce with an eye to direct Heist Society, a young adult thriller being made by Warner Bros.
added Drew Barrymore to the credits of $title
Warner Bros. has decided to join "The Heist Society," snapping up feature rights to Ally Carter's novel and setting it up with Warner-based Denise Di Novi and Alison Greenspan producing. Shauna Cross ("Whip It!") has been tapped to pen the screenplay.
added Di Novi Pictures as a production company of $title
added Warner Bros. Pictures as a distributor of $title
""Heist Society" centers on a teenage girl balancing school and her family's criminal activities. In the novel, the story's triggered by powerful mobster being robbed of his priceless art collection -- with the girl's father as the main suspect -- and the protagonist responding by assembling a crew to steal it back."
added Shauna Cross to the credits of $title
added Alison Greenspan to the credits of $title
added Denise Di Novi to the credits of $title
changed the production status to Development of $title
created the movie profile of $title
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