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The Son of No One Movie Updates

Serve. Protect. Lie.

The Son of No One Movie Updates

Total Updates: 35

Amazon from Amazon

IMP Awards from Movie Poster Awards

  • added the tagline: "Serve. Protect. Lie." of $title

Reasons for Movie Ratings from Film|Ratings

  • set the MPAA rating to R for violence, pervasive language and brief disturbing sexual content of $title

Anchor Bay Acquires Dito Montiel's 'The Son Of No One' from Deadline

Anchor Bay has acquired U.S. distribution rights to the Dito Montiel-directed cop drama The Son Of No One, which was the 2011 Sundance Film Festival's final premiere last Friday. I'm told the deal was in the $2 million minimum guarantee range and a P&A commitment for a theatrical release in at least 10 of the top 20 markets.

  • changed the title from "Son of No One" to "The Son of No One" of $title

Rachel McAdams, Channing Tatum take 'Vow' from The Hollywood Reporter

Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum will star in "The Vow," a love story being produced and financed by Spyglass. Michael Sucsy, who directed HBO's "Grey Gardens," is sitting behind the camera.

Son of No One from IMDb

  • added a synopsis of $title

  • "A young cop is assigned to a precinct in the working class neighborhood where he grew up, and an old secret threatens to destroy his life and his family."

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