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Yellow Submarine Movie Updates

Yellow Submarine Movie Updates

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Disney Kills Robert Zemeckis' 'Yellow Submarine' from The Hollywood Reporter

The Walt Disney Co. has deep-sixed Mars Needs Moms producer Robert Zemeckis’ planned next project for the studio, the high-profile remake of the classic Beatles film Yellow Submarine, sources tell The Hollywood Reporter.

  • changed the US film release date from TBA 2012 to TBA of $title

  • changed the film release date from TBA to TBA 2012 of $title

  • changed the production status to Development of $title

  • added a synopsis of $title

  • "A remake of the 1968 animated feature of the same name, which is based on music by the Beatles. The movie, a hit when it was released, is about a soldier called Old Fred who meets up with the Beatles and travels in a yellow submersible to Pepperland. Among the group's encounters are the Blue Meanies, music-hating creatures. "

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