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The Twilight Saga: Eclipse Movie Updates

It All Begins...With A Choice

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse Movie Updates

Total Updates: 114

IMP Awards from Movie Poster Awards

  • added a running time of 124 minutes of $title

IMP Awards from Movie Poster Awards

Reasons for Movie Ratings from Film|Ratings

  • set the MPAA rating to PG-13 for intense sequences of action and violence, and some sensuality of $title

Salary dispute holding up 'Twilight 5' announcement from thresq.hollywoodreporter.com

Summit Entertainment is working furiously to close the talent deals required to split Stephenie Meyer's fourth "Twilight" novel into two films. But an unlikely roadblock is holding up an announcement -- and could even lead to cast changes for the series' final installment.

  • set the production budget to $65,000,000 of $title

@firstshowing from Twitter

So Last Airbender, Twilight: Eclipse and A-Team are all doing reshoots? Those are some big summer movies that need fixin'.

IMP Awards from Movie Poster Awards

  • added the tagline: "It All Begins...With A Choice" of $title

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