Total Updates: 10
changed the US film release date from TBA to April 16, 2013 of $title
set film release to Nationwide of $title
added a poster to the photo gallery of $title
added "Hidden Beauty: A Love Story That Feeds the Earth" as an also known as title of $title
changed the title from "Hidden Beauty: A Love Story That Feeds the Earth" to "Wings of Life " of $title
changed the production status to Production of $title
"In this film, nature is ready for its close-up - a very close-up, as exacting macro photography takes us to the realm of flowers and their pollinators. Acclaimed filmmaker Louie Schwartzberg introduces us to a bat, a hummingbird, a butterfly and a bumblebee, demonstrating their intricate interdependence and how life on earth depends on the success of these determined, diminutive creatures. "
created the movie profile of $title
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