Impuratus takes audiences on an electrifying journey into the depths of horror and suspense. Detective Clayton Douglas, portrayed by the late Tom Sizemore, finds himself embroiled in a haunting mystery that defines time itself. Summoned to a remote insane asylum, Clayton’s world is forever changed when he encounters the dying patient Daniel Glassman, who claims to have been possessed by an unspeakable evil in 1862. With Sister Rose providing spiritual aid, Clayton is transported back in time as he uncovers the horrifying truth behind Glassman's possession. As they grapple with their own faith and fight for their very souls, they soon realize that the forces of darkness are more powerful than they ever could have imagined. Will Clayton and his team be able to halt the entity’s reign of terror before it consumes them all? Impuratus is a gripping tale of horror and suspense that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
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