Total Updates: 21
A stylish neo-noir thriller centered on married couple Anette (Daisy Ridley) and Ben (Shazad Latif), whose lives begin to fracture when their daughter is cast alongside a glamorous movie star, Alicia (Matilda Anna Ingrid Lutz). As Anette’s suspicions of Ben’s infatuation with Alicia intensify, their secrets and lies threaten to burst to the surface and destroy them all.
added Shout! Studios as a distributor of $title
added Alistair Petrie as actor to movie credits of $title
added Cherrelle Skeete as actor to movie credits of $title
added Hiba Ahmed as actor to movie credits of $title
added Pippa Bennett-Warner as actor to movie credits of $title
changed the US film release date from TBA to October 25, 2024 of $title
set film release to Limited of $title
added Official Trailer to movie trailers & videos of $title
added a poster to the photo gallery of $title
added Shiny Things Films as a production company of $title
changed the movie production status to Completed of $title
added Matilda Lutz as actor to movie credits of $title
added Sam Yates as director to movie credits of $title
added Shazad Latif as actor to movie credits of $title
added Daisy Ridley as actor to movie credits of $title
changed the movie production status to Post-Production of $title
created the movie page of $title
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