Total Updates: 17
set film release to VOD / Digital of $title
added Official Trailer to movie trailers & videos of $title
added Official Trailer to movie trailers & videos of $title
added a poster to the photo gallery of $title
added Viva Kids as a distributor of $title
When Mia returns to grandfather's summer home, the stone in her magic bracelet suddenly lights up. Mia is called back to the magical unicorn world of Centopia where she meets Iko, an elf who desperately needs her help. Toxor, a monstrous, toad-like villain is taking over the island, transforming its inhabitants into an army of will-less followers. To defeat Toxor, Mia and her new friends must follow in the footsteps of the mythical heroine of Centopia and unite three ancient stones. As the great battle for the magical Island turns into a rescue mission, Mia learns what it means to be a true hero and must ultimately make a decision that will change her life forever.
added Adam Gunn as director to movie credits of $title
added Rick Kavanian as actor to movie credits of $title
added Gedeon Burkhard as actor to movie credits of $title
added James Dyke as actor to movie credits of $title
added Margot Nuccetelli as actor to movie credits of $title
changed the movie production status to Completed of $title
changed the title from "MIA AND ME: HERO OF CENTOPIA" to "Mia and Me: Hero of Centopia" of $title
created the movie page of $title
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