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Sleeping Dogs Movie Updates

A case he can’t remember. A life he has to save.

Sleeping Dogs Movie Updates

Total Updates: 39

  • added the tagline: "A case he can’t remember. A life he has to save." of $title

  • set film release to Nationwide of $title

  • set the MPA rating to R for violence/bloody images, sexual content and language of $title

  • added a synopsis of $title

  • Roy Freeman is undergoing a cutting-edge Alzheimer's treatment. He is forced to grapple with the impact of an investigation from his former life after a death row inmate that Freeman arrested 10 years prior starts to proclaim his innocence. Intrigued and fighting to regain his memory, Freeman enlists his former partner to help him revive the case and discover the truth. Together, they set off to unravel a tangled web of secrets, forcing Freeman to make some horrific discoveries.

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