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Shirley Movie Updates

Shirley Movie Updates

Total Updates: 44

  • set film release to Streaming of $title

  • added a link from neonrated.com of $title

  • added the US VOD release date of June 5, 2020 of $title

  • added a synopsis of $title

  • Renowned horror writer Shirley Jackson is on the precipice of writing her masterpiece when the arrival of newlyweds upends her meticulous routine and heightens tensions in her already tempestuous relationship with her philandering husband. The middle-aged couple, prone to ruthless barbs and copious afternoon cocktails, begins to toy mercilessly with the naïve young couple at their door.

  • added a running time of 107 minutes of $title

  • added a synopsis of $title

  • Fred and Rose move to a small Vermont college town in pursuit of a job for Fred as an assistant professor of literature. The young couple receives an offer for free room and board from professor Stanley Hyman, as long as Rose agrees to spend time cleaning up the home and looking after his wife, acclaimed horror author Shirley Jackson. At first Fred and Rose detest the rocky household of the eccentric couple, but they eventually establish deep bonds with their counterparts, which will test the limits of their young love.

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