Almost totally in control
Total Updates: 61
set film release to PrimeVideo of $title
added Amazon Studios as a distributor of $title
added IMDb link of $title
set film release to Nationwide of $title
added a running time of 99 minutes of $title
added the tagline: "Almost totally in control" of $title
changed the US film release date from March 13, 2020 to April 17, 2020 of $title
set film release to Nationwide of $title
added photos to the photos gallery of $title
changed the US film release date from January 10, 2020 to March 13, 2020 of $title
set film release to Nationwide of $title
added photos to the photos gallery of $title
added a poster to the photo gallery of $title
changed the US film release date from TBA 2020 to January 10, 2020 of $title
set film release to Nationwide of $title
set film release to Nationwide of $title
changed the movie production status to Completed of $title
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