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Kicks Movie Updates

Kicks Movie Updates

Total Updates: 24

Amazon from Amazon

  • added a running time of 80 minutes of $title

  • set the MPAA rating to R for violence, drug/alcohol use and language throughout, and sexual content - involving teens of $title

  • added a synopsis of $title

  • Fifteen-year-old Brandon longs for a pair of the freshest sneakers that money can buy; assuming that merely having them on his feet will help him escape the reality of being poor, neglected by the opposite sex and picked on by everyone -- even his best friends. Working hard to get them, he soon finds that the titular shoes have instead made him a target after they are promptly snatched by local hood, Flaco. Seemingly the embodiment of menace, Flaco harbors complexities of his own that will be revealed when Brandon goes on a mission to retrieve his stolen sneakers with his two best friends in tow.

  • added a link from kicksthefilm.com of $title

  • added a link from facebook.com of $title

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