Total Updates: 35
added Mark Perez as screenwriter to credits of $title
added Andy Berman as executive producer to credits of $title
changed the production status to Development of $title
changed the status of Nuyorican Productions to Former of $title
changed the status of Underground Films to Former of $title
changed the status of Walden Media to Former of $title
changed the status of Warner Bros. Pictures to Former of $title
changed the status of Benjamin Melniker to Former of $title
changed the status of Trevor Engelson to Former of $title
changed the status of Devin Andre to Former of $title
changed the status of Michael E. Uslan to Former of $title
changed the status of Darren Lemke as (rewrite) to Former of $title
added Caroline Fraser as producer to credits of $title
added Kevin Misher as producer to credits of $title
added Misher Films as a production company of $title
added I Can and I Will Productions as a production company of $title
added Netflix Originals as a distributor of $title
changed the status of Gina Rodriguez as Carmen Sandiego to Current of $title
added Gina Rodriguez as actor and producer to credits of $title
changed the status of Jennifer Lopez as Carmen Sandiego to Formerly In Talks of $title
added Devin Andre to the credits of $title
added Nuyorican Productions as a production company of $title
added Underground Films as a production company of $title
added "Carmen Sandiego" as an also known as title of $title
changed the title from "Carmen Sandiego" to "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?" of $title
added Darren Lemke to the credits of $title
Walden Media has acquired rights to turn Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego? into a live-action film involving Jennifer Lopez.
added Jennifer Lopez to the credits of $title
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